Madeline's Grand Experiment

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Madeline is getting quite a bit stronger. She can lift up her head and hold it for quite a time. Her eyesight has improved so it is a lot harder to sneak past without her knowing. She has been colicky but has been getting over that to being a happy little girl.

My new job has been going well. I've had two weeks at a desk and I went to Minneapolis last week for 5 days of training. I really like it so far. Lots of regulations and new computer programs to learn but that is going OK. We do lots of foreign accounts from Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and UAE for people visiting Mayo.

The week in Minneapolis was fairly low key. Six new people from Rochester and fifteen or so others went up there for new person training. We stayed at a nice hotel downtown. It was attached to the skyway so we could go all over the place and still be indoors. We went out to eat for every meal and somehow that got old. I enjoyed being with everyone else and we got along well. We went to an arcade and we played racing games against each other and I played Skee-ball for tickets and got a deck of cards, a bracelet and a Chinese handcuffs. We also went to a bar that had dueling pianos. There were 4 guys that traded off and played and sung 80's tunes.

At the hotel, I really enjoyed the down time. I could watch whatever I wanted on TV in peace and get some good sleep.

I have two more weeks of training in February and after that I should be going full at the bank.

I did turn in my two week notice at Menard's yesterday. I had tried to work there part-time but it just wasn't working out.


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