On Saturday Zach and I decided to go outside and hang up some new bird feeders - the squirrels pretty much destroyed the ones we had up - and play for a bit. It was pretty nice outside: the sun was shining and it wasn't very windy and maybe in the 20's or even 30's, I'm not sure. Anyway, Zachary pushed his toy trucks up the driveway and back down the driveway and back and forth repeatedly. Then he played in the snow for a little bit. Then down on the ground to check out the wheels of his toy trucks. Then running up and down the drive again. This went on for about 45 minutes, and then he was ready to come inside. About 15 minutes after we got in, Scott and I noticed he was awfully quiet, and there he was, asleep on the chair. He slept so soundly that I don't think he even moved the entire time! What a good workout!

Zachary has a strong aversion to having his picture taken,
so this one is indeed a very rare one:
so this one is indeed a very rare one:

He would only look my general direction
because there was a movie on behind me and
I asked him about the characters in it!
Today I tried to get a picture of him, and he started screaming NO!!! and crying as though he was being attacked. And then he ran and hid under his blankets. I'm not sure what the problem is, but no pictures of Zach today...
posted by Elena
posted by Elena
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