Mid-December Pictures

It's really pretty funny looking at it now!
Don't we all look so happy and festive?!?
Like, yea, Merry Christmas (grumble)...
So then the next day, Scott's parents were coming up to celebrate Scott's birthday, and we asked them if they wouldn't mind helping us out a bit. Just how many adults does it take to get three children to cooperate for a simple little picture? But Olivia was much better behaved this time around, and Zach and Maddie did pretty well, even though they were both tired and nearing nap-time. So we took a few pictures and chose this one:Yes, I know these are a bit late, but gotta include a few Christmas pictures in here!
We called my mom over one afternoon to take our family Christmas picture for the card. All was fine until my mom got ready to snap the pictures. Olivia would NOT cooperate for anything! It was so frustrating! She would hide her face and whine every time we tried. So we gave up for that day. It was then that Livi decided that maybe we could go ahead and take the picture, but Scott and I were frustrated enough by that point that we were like, forget it. So we didn't do pictures that day. This is what we got that day:
It's really pretty funny looking at it now!
Don't we all look so happy and festive?!?
Like, yea, Merry Christmas (grumble)...
Our Christmas tree
The tree looked like this the day before Thanksgiving. By Christmas, it looked very different. The beads and lights looked like they could maybe fall off if touched just so. And the ornaments kept moving from branch to branch. Strangely enough, the decorations near the top of the tree never shifted or moved even once. Wonder what happened to the bottom half of the tree? Thankfully, the tree never fell down, which was something that we worried about from time to time. One good tug is all it would have taken. The kids were sad when we put the decorations away, but such is life. Until next year.
posted by Elena
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